Monday 17 December 2007

Planting trees - and grass - for a Green Advent

Very happy to join this blog to update you all on our Green WYD project.So many things been happening that it's hard to know where to start.Let's begin with tonight - at the 6pm Mass at Holy Eucharist parish St Albans for the Third Sunday of Advent.Kins has already mentioned the launch of our Green Advent projectFor the first week we showed Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth movie.For the second week we organised a Walk to Church Sunday - a great event - not everyone walked but many did - and many of those who didn't paid a $1 donation to "offset" their use of the car!So tonight we organised the sale of tree and plant seedlings for the Third Sunday of Advent.We sold about 50 plants after this evening's mass - a very encouraging response.The plants all came from Iramoo Sustainable Community Centre at the St Albans of Victoria University.Tonight we sold mainly trees (wattles) and kangaroo apples (all gone) although we'd also like to sell a few native grasses since this area is in fact natural grassland.Let's see how we go tomorrow!

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