Monday 21 January 2008

More climate change warnings

The warnings continue on the potentially disastrous effects of climate change.

British conservationists warned last week that global warming could be "catastrophic" for European birds by wrecking their habitat.

They warn that three-quarters of Europe's nesting birds are likely to see their ranges shrink by the end of the century.

More seriously, scientists in India fear a probability of 10 to 40 per cent loss in crop production in the country due to the anticipated rise in temperature by 2080-2110.

Plus more concern about melting in Greenland. "We attribute significantly increased Greenland summer warmth and ice melt since 1990 to global warming," researchers write in a recent article in the Journal of Climate.

However, all is not yet lost. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report last year highlights "the importance of lifestyle changes," says Rajendra Pachauri, the panel's head.

Even simple things like eating less meat, using a bike instead of a car for short trips can all help, Pachauri says.

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