Monday 21 January 2008

Widening of solidarities

January 15-19, 2008 - Sydney, Australia. We were welcomed in the best of circumstance and hospitality by the Karen community based in Australia. In such a big city wherein most of the energies of the friends we knew in Sydney were poured into the World Youth Day preparations this July, the Karens were unaffected. They still look upon those days as moments of receiving young people from all over.

We want to make use of the space and opportunity for training and interaction with other young people... We can do it if we are together and we cooperate in this program... Words that can sum up their will to do a post WYD program with the youth. Most of them were leaders in their own rights while they were yet at home. They also found their own ways of continuing their service to other people through their own organisation.

Some of the new arrivals found it difficult to speak English. It is a struggle to find jobs in this context. However, one can truly feel the cohesion of the group. They found a way to support one another. They come to a new country because it is not possible for them to live in safety in their own place and people...

In four days, we met a mixture of people. People with a big heart to accomodate the other. They are the kind who understands our need to care for the earth and look at the young as partners in development.

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